What are you currently working on?
I actually have a page on this site that lists all of my current projects!
Do you really struggle with mental illness?
I do! I live everyday with chronic PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder, and Panic Disorder, among other issues. I am as open as I can be about my mental health, and do what I can to help break the stigma. If you’re interested in learning more about my mental health journey, I often talk about it in my blog, which you can find the link for on the home page of this site.
Have you published anything yet?
Yes! I have THREE poetry collections available on my Amazon page.
Are you planning to be traditionally published or self-published?
I would love to be traditionally published someday! But, as of right now, self-publishing is the road I’m walking.
Did you always know you wanted to be an author?
I wrote my very first story when I was seven. But I was in third grade when I realized I wanted to be an author.
Do you write full time?
No, I work retail.
Do you want to write full time?
It’s on my “unrealistic goals” list.
Any writerly advice?
Don’t give up! Get yourself a buddy to remind you they can’t wait to read your book during those times when you’re feeling unmotivated.
What is the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome in your writing so far?
My own mind. My mental illness affects every aspect of my life, and my writing is absolutely one of them. It’s a constant battle with myself, and the journey has been a long and difficult one. My own writing buddy has been a huge help in getting me through.
Where do you get your inspiration?
It’s honestly different for every project, but it’s mostly life. My own past and traumas have inspired a lot of my writing. But I’m also a watcher. And sometimes just seeing people going about their own lives as I walk by, or hearing snippets of a conversation in passing, or even just joking around with my own partner can inspire a story. My emotions do most of the writing, though.